The Politics of Fear Archive: EPIIC Symposium

Causes and Consequences of Anti-Americanism | February 23, 2006

Nora Elmarzouky
Senior, Tufts University; EPIIC’06; she will be presenting on the research she conducted in Egypt for EPIIC over winter intersession

Nathaniel Fick
Author, One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer; Former Captain, U.S. Marines, stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq

John Moore
Head of Field Office Central Region for the IFES Election Violence Education and Resolution (EVER) project; EVER is a USAID-funded effort to monitor and evaluate election violence to inform design and implementation of community-level conflict resolution programming

Malik Mufti
Director, International Relations Program and Associate Professor of Political Science, Tufts University; Author, Sovereign Creations: Pan-Arabism and Political Order in Syria and Iraq, "A King's Art: Dynastic Ambition and State Interest in Hussein's Jordan" and "From Swamp to Backyard: The Middle East in Turkish Foreign Policy"

Gwyn Prins
Coauthor, Understanding Unilateralism in American Foreign Relations; Author, The Heart of War: On Power, Conflict and Obligation in the 21st Century; Former Senior Fellow, Office of the Special Adviser on Central and Eastern European Affairs, office of the Secretary-General, NATO Alliance Research Professor, European Institute, London School of Economics and Columbia University

Thomas E. Stocking
State Department Visiting Professor, the United States Military Academy; Special Agent, Bureau of Diplomatic Security with assignments as Regional Security Officer in Dakar, Senegal; Algiers, Algeria; Lisbon, Portugal; and Brasilia, Brazil

Peter Winn
Professor of History, Tufts University; Author, Weavers of Revolution: The Yorur Workers and Chile’s Road to Socialism and Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean; Consultant, Americas Series, PBS

Jason Hill and Stephan Vitvitsky, EPIIC Colloquium Members