From Benthos to Cosmos: Oceans and Outer Space -- The Global Potential of Uncharted Frontiers

March 2, 1995
Tufts University Campus | Cabot Auditorium | 7:00pm


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Andrew Chaikin
Author, A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts; Former Researcher, Center for earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian

Eric Chaisson
Director, Wright Science Education Center, Tufts University; Author, The Hubble Wars: Astrophysics Meets Astropolitics

Craig Dorman
Admiral, U.S. Navy; Deputy Director, Defense Research and Engineering, Laboratory Management, U.S. Department of Defense; Former Director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Peter Glaser
Vice-President of Space Operations, Arthur D. Little, Inc.; Author, The Earth Benefits of Solar Power Satellites; Power from Space for Use on Earth: An Emerging Global Option; From the Moon to the Space Station and Beyond

Anne Platt
Research Associate, World watch Institute; Author, Dying Seas: Reversing the Decline of Oceans; Former Research Associate, Environmental Law Institute

Alex Roland
Fellow, Dibner Institute for the History of Science and Technology; Chair, U.S. National Committee for the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science; Historian, NASA; Author, Underwater warfare in the Age of Sail; Editor, A Space faring People: Perspectives on Early Spaceflight

Tanya Haddad, EPIIC Colloquium