ALLIES Networking Trip

April 29, 2008 to May 2, 2008
IGL INSPIRE Fellow Gregg Nakano, Tufts Professor Paul Joseph, George Kosar (Associate Director of Tufts' Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations), and IGL Director Sherman Teichman traveled to Washington, D.C, Carlisle, PA, and Annapolis, MD to: develop and strengthen relationships in the ALLIES civil-military cooperation community; articulate common themes among ALLIES-associated institutions in order to bring greater clarity to the ALLIES model and its program activity; and to explore fundraising opportunities to expand ALLIES' base of financial support. The group met and discussed the ALLIES model with: the Consortium for Complex Operations; United States Institute for Peace; U.S. Congress; Dept. of State, Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization; USAID; Dept. of Health and Human Services; George Mason University; Fairmont State University; Pearson Peacekeeping Centre (Ottowa, Canada); Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute; US Army War College; US Naval Academy. The ALLIES vision, particularly the importance of civil-military relations, resonated with the representatives from every contact organization. Potential areas of collaboration included: internships; the Joint Research Project and other student research; faculty exchanges; course and case study development; events and speakers.