Daniel Drezner, professor of international politics at The Fletcher School and author of Theories of International Politics and Zombies.
Past Events

Lecture and Book Signing with
Author, The Worst-Kept Secret: Israel’s Bargain with the Bomb
Dr. Avner Cohen is a Senior Fellow at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) of the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Lecture and Discussion with
Lawrence Wittner, Author of the trilogy on The Struggle Against the Bomb

The Threat of WMD Terrorism: Living in the Age of the Super-enabled Individual

EPIIC, as part of its 25th anniversary year on "Our Nuclear Age: Peril and Promise," presents a screening of Countdown to Zero, a documentary that explores the global history of nuclear weapons. Dr. Bruce G. Blair, the film's executive producer, will introduce the film and stay to discuss it with the audience follow the screening.

Junaid Ahmad
World Bank Sector Manager for Social Development, South Asia Region
Sanjoy Hazarika
Managing Trustee, Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research, India; Script Writer, “A River’s Story: The Quest for the Brahmaputra” documentary
The 2010 Norris and Margery Bendetson EPIIC International Symposium

Rory Stewart
Rory Stewart was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Malaysia. He served briefly as an officer in the British Army (the Black Watch), studied history and philosophy at Balliol College, Oxford and then joined the British Diplomatic Service. He worked in the British Embassy in Indonesia and then, in the wake of the Kosovo campaign, as the British Representative in Montenegro. In 2000 he took two years off and began walking from Turkey to Bangladesh. He covered 6000 miles on foot alone across Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Nepal -- a journey described in The Places in Between.

Four US Presidents have sought his advice. Now Barack Obama is speaking like a disciple. So, who is this man Henry Kissinger calls ‘the outstanding political philosopher of our time’?
(The Independent, London, July 20, 2008)