IGL-GlobalPost Collaboration Grows

IGL News | Posted Dec 8, 2010

The IGL-GlobalPost partnership continues to develop as a serious outlet for student research.  This fall, GlobalPost revamped its Study Abroad site and kicked it off by publishing seven stories from the students who participated in the Exposure Workshop in Hue, Vietnam. VII Photojournalist Gary Knight and Journalist Mort Rosenblum led the workshop – their fifth – and the student pieces were accompanied by an introduction by Rosenblum.

In their press release announcing the series on “The New Vietnam,” GlobalPost stated, “The reported vignettes these students bring to GlobalPost offer a vivid and enlightening portrait of a country and a people looking past the wreckage of the Vietnam War and toward a new future.”

Over the last 18 months, IGL students have published reports from Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Dominican Republic, India, Kenya, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Syria.

Below please find their stories:

• Bangladesh education worthless without tutoring?

Anika Huq (A’12), EPIIC’10, Bangladesh

• Uganda farmers will need plows ... and smart phones

Stewart Kelly (A’11), Uganda

Pakistan crafts: Bangles a boon for the economy?

Asad Badruddin (A’12), EPIIC’10 and ’11, Pakistan 

All politicians are not bastards, say activist Indian youth

Tomo Takaki (A’11), EPIIC’10, India 

• Floods bring hundreds knocking on her door

Kelly Holz (A'10), EPIIC '10, Pakistan 

• Explosive peace: Sri Lanka can't heal war wounds

Leslie Ogden (A'12), EPIIC'10, Sri Lanka 

• Bangladesh's forgotten students: The Biharis struggle

Mark Rafferty (A'13), EPIIC'10, and Anna Gilmer (A'13), EPIIC'10, Bangladesh

• Nepalese town takes historic step ... backwards

Syed Asad Badruddin (A'12), EPIIC'10, Nepal 

Brazil Olympics may send poor families packing

Alison Coffey (A'11), Synaptic Scholar, EPIIC'09, Brazil 

• Valparaiso: Fear of tsunami sends us racing to the hills

Zoe Schlag, BUILD, Chile 

How does water every third day sound?

Jacqui Deelstra, (F’11), Tanzania 

Fishermen drowning under threats to livelihood

Nicholas Dynan (A'11), Exposure, Cambodia

China grows thirstier

Daniel Enking (A'10), Tufts Energy Forum, EPIIC'08, China

• Next door in DR, they feel oceans apart

Ashley Allison (A'11), RESPE, Dominican Republic

• Composed in exile

Duncan Pickard (A'10), Synaptic Scholar, Syria

Once a palace, now a crime scene

Joshua Gross (F'10), Empower, Nepal

Dark side of democracy

Joshua Gross (F'10), Empower, Nepal

Chinese contemporary art under the influence

Kyle Chayka (A'11), Exposure, China

Justice, one tap at a time

Ian MacLellan (E'12), Exposure, EWB, Kenya

With a little help from a clinic, faiths coexist peacefully

Shannon Caroll (A'12), Exposure, India 

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