
Claudia Asch '01, 2000 Humanity in Action Fellow, researched in The Netherlands

Ariunna Batbold F'01, 2000, internship at The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, researching the regulatory foundation for internet securities trading in the US, in Hong Kong
Nicole Bores '02, internship with T.E.A.M. (The Exceptional Athlete Matters) USA, preparing updates and curricula for the Ride Across America
Ehren Brav '02, "The Media and Conflict in the Middle East", researched in Israel and the West Bank
Ehren Brav '02, Humanity in Action Fellow, researched in Denmark
Julie Leimbach '00, 2000 Leonard Silk-EPIIC Fellow, International Consortium for Investigative Journalists, Washington, DC
Lauren Pinkus '00, participated in the International Olympic Committee Conference on Women in Sport, documented proceedings and presented a summary during the conference, in Paris
Maria Speridakos '01, internship with Cable & Wireless HKT, researching the role of venture capital and incubation fund activities for China/Hong Kong high-tech business transformation, in Hong Kong