Research on Internally Displaced Women - Alice Taylor
Alice Taylor
Major / fields of study: Human Security
Tufts program & expected graduate year: MA in Law & Diplomacy, 2010
I conducted qualitative field research with guidance from Profamilia, a national health NGO, the Defensoría del Pueblo, and Ministry of Social Protection. I worked in Bogotá and the nearby city of Soacha, focusing on the emergence and practices of leadership among urban internally displaced women in Colombia.
Born in Thailand, I have lived in the U.S., Peru, and Brazil. For the past five years I worked in health and education policy research and evaluation. My work has focused on community-based approaches in underserved urban areas (primarily Spanish-speaking, immigrant neighborhoods in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and Latin America). I became interested in issues of women’s rights through a project on HIV/AIDS in Latin America. I am currently a master’s student in International Affairs at the Fletcher School, concentrating in human security - particularly forced migration, gender, and human rights.