Special Opportunities

Special Projects and Opportunities

Entrant Nuclear States: Dilemmas of Safety, Security and Proliferation

Meserve_RichardParticipate in the planning and enactment of an expert workshop on “Entrant Nuclear States: Dilemmas of Safety, Security and Proliferation.” The workshop is co-chaired by Richard Meserve, a Tufts graduate (A’66) and former Chair of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Vincent Manno, Tufts Professor of Engineering and Associate Provost. This is co-sponsored by the Institute’s Tufts Energy Forum.

Dr. Richard Meserve


Join with Tufts students and students of the United States military academies in joint research. One option will be to continue the research conducted by ALLIES this summer in the Ukraine, where they visited Chernobyl and missile bases.

National Security, Media and The Rule of Law
This project will culminate in a mock Supreme court session and/or mock Congressional hearings examining the relationship between the media and the government concerning the protection and disclosure of national-security secrets, centered on nuclear issues. Partners include ALLIES, the National Security Archive, and the Law Library of Congress.

The National Security Archive
This is an opportunity to learn FOIA research methodology and to work closely with senior analysts on special projects while at Tufts, in Washington D.C., and potentially in Russia. You will have unique access to the Archives’ Fellows and the interior of its “Nuclear Vault.

Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention of the United States Institute for Peace

Abiodun WilliamsUnder the aegis of Abiodun Williams, EPIIC’s first TA, students will work with experts from the Iran, Pakistan and Korean Peninsula Working Groups, and its non proliferation and arms control program; as well as the experts of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States.


Abiodun Williams


Vannevar Bush Forum on Science, Ethics and Public Policy
Together with the Institute for Global Leadership, the School of Engineering will inaugurate the first Vannevar Bush Award, recognizing Bush’s accomplishments as science adviser to presidents and the Director of the US Office of Scientific Research and Development. Associated with this will be an exploration of science as morally neutral, with such questions as what were the ethical issues that confronted scientists in successfully completing the atomic bomb? What are the ongoing ethical dilemmas and social responsibilities scientists face in the nuclear arena and beyond?

 The Science of Bomb Making

Goldstein_GaryWhat is involved in the making a nuclear device? Of a dirty suitcase bomb? For science inclined and non-science inclined, explore the feasibility of bomb making with INSPIRE Fellow Pervez Hodbhooy and Tufts Professor of Physics Gary Goldstein.

Gary Goldstein