The Media Plenary
Sunday, March 8, 1992,
Mr. Manoel Francisco Brito, Washington Bureau Chief, Jornal do Brasil
Mr. Dan Connell, Grassroots International
Ms. Lisa Drew, World Wildlife Magazine
Mr. Eric Evarts, Staff Editor in International News, The Christian Science Monitor
Mr. Stan Grossfeld, Photographer, The Boston Globe
Ms Sandra Hackman, Managing Editor, Technology Review
Ms. Virginia Hamill, Day Foreign Editor, The Washington Post
Mr. Timothy Hawley, Assistant Editor, Oceanus Magazine
Mr. Sanjoy Hazarika, Correspondent, New Delhi, The New York Times
Ms. Jane Lampmann, International News Editor, The Christian Science Monitor
Mr. Jim Landers, Foreign Editor, The Dallas Morning News
Mr. Randy Loftus, Environmental Reporter, The Dallas Morning News
Mr. John Nielsen, Science and Technology Reporter, National Public Radio
Mr. Benjamin Pogrund, Senior Foreign Sub-Editor, The Independent
Ms. Nancy Postero, Associate Producer, NPR Vanishing Homelands series
Mr. Michael Schiffer, Director of International Security ProgramsThe Center for War, Peace and the News Media
Mr. Seth Shulman, Author, The Threat at Home: Confronting the Toxic Legacy of the United States Military
Mr. Peter Spotts, National News Editor, The Christian Science Monitor
Mr. Sandy Tolan, Executive Producer, NPR Vanishing Homelands series