Monday, March 11
* Liberation Theology in Latin America: Its Past and Its Future
Thursday, April 18
* One Nation Under God? Religion and Politics in the U.S.
Friday, April 19
* Religion in Public Life
* Religion and the Media: Controversies and Coverage from Rushdie to Waco: Religion and Media in the U.S
* Religion and the Media: Controversies and Coverage from Rushdie to Waco: Religion, Media and the World
* Symposium Welcome
* Dr. Jean Mayer Global Citizenship Award and Address
* Defying Disenchantment: Religion and Modernity/Authority and Resistance
* The Future of Jerusalem: A City for all Religions
* Cultural Dialogues of Resistance
* Embodied Imperative: An Illustrated Essay on Martyrs and Martyrologies
Saturday, April 20
* Religion and Science
* Divine or International Covenant? Religion and Human Rights
* Religion: A Catalyst for Social Change?
* Belief Beyond Borders: Religion and International Politics
* Jerusalem: The Garden of Eden
* Beyond Intolerance: Reconciliation and Reconstruction in Beirut, Belfast, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, and Sarajevo
Sunday, April 21
* Landscapes of Terror and Memories: The Art of Samuel Bak
* Sacred Violence and Sacred Pacifism: The Paradox of Interpretation
* Religion and Conflict Resolution
* Music, Religion and Identity