Course Description | Syllabus | Colloquium Members
How are such extraordinary global, transnational and cross-border issues stressing and challenging traditional sovereignty? What progress is feasible in the search for international mechanisms to contend with them? What role will institutions of global governance, such as the United Nations, the International Financial Institutions, and the International Criminal Court, play? Is there a paradigm shift in the making? Is the traditional state structure capable of coping with the security challenges of the 21st century?
This course will examine the severe deterioration in numerous conflict situations, from the confrontation between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon to the failing truce in Darfur; from the resurgence of the Taliban in Afghanistan to North Korea’s missile firings; from the Mumbai bombings to sectarian violence in Iraq; from the impending violence in Somalia to the failure of the ceasefire in Sri Lanka.
Included among the broad range of issues you will study are the successes and failures of the United Nations Security Council; the challenges to the European Union and other global regional governance concepts; the privatization of war and the militarization of humanitarian space; the global threat of avian flu and other pandemics; proliferating refugee flows; the enigma of third state actors, from the FARC to Hezbollah; the accountability of multinational corporations; the meaning of “global commons”; transnational justice; the impact and consequences of the Kyoto Treaty; poverty reduction and debt relief; the challenges of nuclear proliferation and the future of the NPT; the successes and failures of international aid; the impact of such diverse and meaningful bodies and organizations as the UNHCR, the IRC, Amnesty International and Transparency International; and even the challenge of the regulation of genomics and its impact on human evolution.
This multidisciplinary colloquium will draw upon the expertise of distinguished scholars, government and military officials, international law experts, United Nations officials, international security analysts, public health officials, engineers, global bankers, business executives, journalists, NGO officers, peace keepers, activists, and long range scenario policy planners.
Ultimately governance and power are inextricably linked. What is the location of power, of control, of legitimacy in our global world? Who rules? And for whose benefit? What is the meaning of citizenship or civil society in such a world? Where does ultimate authority reside?
Colloquium Lecturers and Advisers include:
James Dewar, Director, RAND Frederick S. Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition; Frederick S. Pardee Professor of Long-Term Policy Analysis, RAND Graduate School; Juan Enriquez, Chairman and CEO, Biotechonomy LLC; Author, As the Future Catches You: How Genomics & Other Forces are Changing Your Life, Work, Health & Wealth; Ricardo Hausmann, Director, Center for International Development, and Professor of the Practice of Economic Development, Kennedy School of Government; Former Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank; Pamela Merchant, Director, Center on Justice and Accountability; Craig N. Murphy, Professor of International Relations, Wellesley College; Founding Editor, Global Governance; Andrew Savitz, Partner, Sustainability Services Group, Pricewaterhouse Coopers; Author, The Triple Bottom Line: How Today’s Best-Run Companies Are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success -- and How You Can Too; Philippe Sands, Professor of Law and Director, Centre on International Courts and Tribunals, University College, London; Author, Lawless World: America and the Making and Breaking of Global Rules
Tufts Lecturers and Advisers include:
Astier Almedom, Luce Professor of Science and Humanitarianism • Edith Balbach, Community Health • Antonia Chayes, The Fletcher School • David Dapice, Economics • Michael Glennon, The Fletcher School • Neva Goodwin, Global Development and Environment Institute • Jeffrey Griffiths, School of Medicine • David Gute, Civil Engineering • Alan Hendrickson, The Fletcher School • Steve Hirsch, Classics • Bruce Hitchner, Classics • Ian Johnstone, The Fletcher School • Erin Kelly, Philosophy • William Moomaw, The Fletcher School • Malik Mufti, Political Science • Jeswald Salacuse, The Fletcher School • Tony Smith, Political Science • Jeffrey Taliaferro, Political Science • Peter Winn, History
Required and Recommended Texts over TWO semesters, include:
The World’s Banker: A Story of Failed States, Financial Crisis, and the Wealth Poverty of Nations, Sebastian Mallaby • Power in Global Governance, edited by Michael Barnett and Raymond Duvall • Global Governance and Public Accountability, David Held and Mathias Koenig-Archibugi • The Purpose of Intervention: Changing Beliefs About the Use of Force, Martha Finnemore • Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers and Copycats are Hijacking the Global Economy, Moises Naim • Making States Work: The Failure and the Crisis of Government, edited by Simon Chesterman et al • The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World, ed. Paul Diehl
Institute Scholars and Practitioners in Residence (INSPIRE):
Sanjoy Hazarika, Former Award-winning Correspondent, The New York Times; Member, India’s National Security Advisory Board, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) Review Committee, and the National Council of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR); James Rosenau, University Professor of International Affairs, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University; Author, The Study of World Politics and Distant Proximities: Dynamics Beyond Globalization. Professor Rosenau’s lectures will be co-sponsored by the International Relations Program. Noel Twagiramungu, Fletcher PhD candidate; Visiting Fellow, W.E. DuBois Institute, Harvard University; former Member, Rwandan Presidential Council of Advisers on Human Rights and Justice; former Executive Director, League of Human Rights in the Great Lakes Region; former Coordinator, Documentation Centre on Genocide Trials in Rwanda.
September 7, 2006
Dr. Nikos Passas
Dr. Passas specializes in the study of terrorism, white-collar crime, corruption, organized crime and international crime. His empirical studies have focused on transnational crime and the informal transfer of money, the financing and social organization of terror groups, financial crimes in international trade, human trafficking, procurement fraud, computer-facilitated crimes, cyber-crimes, cross-border crimes and subsidy frauds committed against the European Union, bank-related offenses and the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal. Dr. Passas has also contributed to theoretical criminology and written extensively on anomie theory. His elaborations of the original statement of this theory have made it possible to apply it to deviance and crime by upper-class individuals, professionals and organizations. His recent work on ‘global anomie’ focuses on processes of globalization and neo-liberal policies. Dr. Passas has authored numerous papers and research reports. He served as Northeastern University Press series editor on transnational crime and as associate editor in several journals. He is the editor of Crime, Law and Social Change: An International Journal. In 2005, he was elected to serve on the Board of Directors of the International Society of Criminology.
September 12, 2006
Professor Steve Hirsch
Professor Steve Hirsch is an Associate Professor of Classics at Tufts University. His expertise is in Ancient History and Historiography, Greek and Latin Language and Literature, Ancient Persia and China. His publications include The Friendship of the Barbarians: Xenophon and the Persian Empire and The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History.
• “Empires with Expiration Dates” by Niall Ferguson, Foreign Policy, Sept/Oct 2006
• “An Age of Empires: Rome and Han China, 753 BCE-330 CE” by Steven Hirsch, from The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, edited by Richard W. Bulliet, forthcoming in 2007
• “The First Emperor’s Inscription at Langya (219 BCE)” from The Establishment of the Han Empire and Imperial China by Grant Hard and Anne Behnke Kinney, Greenwood Press
• Translations of DNa, DNb, and DSf, from American Oriental Series, Vol. 33, edited by James B. Pritchard, 1953
• “Augustus: The Achievements of Augustus 14 CE” from Augustus and the Creation of the Roman Empires: A Brief History with Documents by Ronald Mellor, Bedford/St. Martin’s
• Three Maps: The Persian Empire, The Roman Empire, and Han China
September 14, 2006
Dr. James Dewar
Dr. James Dewar is the Director of the RAND Pardee Center for Longer Range Global Policy and the Future Human Condition. He focuses in Assumption Based Planning, strategic planning, longer-range planning and policy analysis. Dr. Dewar has been a pioneer in the development of Assumption-Based Planning (ABP), a widely used strategic planning methodology. He received the Military Operations Research Society’s highest prize for Non-Monotonicity, Chaos, and Combat Models and has helped clients including large corporations, institutions of higher education, and the Department of Defense. He is also the Frederick S. Pardee Professor of Long-Term Policy Analysis in the RAND Graduate School.
• “The Importance of “Wild Card” Scenarios” by James A. Dewar, RAND
• “The Multilateral Trade Regime: A Global Public Good for All? by Ronald U. Mendoza
• “Corruption and Global Public Goods” by Peter Eigen and Christian Eigen-Zucchi
• “Global Trade for Local Benefit: Financing Energy for All in Costa Rica” by Rene Castro and Sarah Cordero
• “Problems of Publicness and Access Rights: Perspectives from the Water Domain by Lyla Mehta
• “Overview: Why Do Global Public Goods Matter Today? by Inge Kaul et al. and How To Improve the Provision of Global Public Goods by Inge Kaul et al.”
• “Concepts: Rethinking Public, Global, and Good: Public Goods: A Historical Perspective” by Meghnad Desai
• Glossary
September 19, 2006
Gary Knight
Gary Knight is a founding member of VII and was the agency’s first president and chairman of the board. He began working as a photographer in South East Asia and Indochina in the late 1980s. In January 1993, he moved to the former Yugoslavia where he documented war crimes and crimes against humanity, which remain the core theme of his work to this day. His work in the former Yugoslavia culminated in the publication of Evidence: The Case Against Milosevic. Knight’s work has been widely published by magazines all over the world and he has contributed work to several books. He is a contract photographer for Newsweek magazine. Knight won an Amnesty International Press Award in 1997 for his photographs of Rwandan refugees.
Charles Sennott
Charles Sennott has worked in foreign postings for The Boston Globe during the past nine years. Most recently, he was the Globe’s London bureau chief, a base from which he covered the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the transatlantic divide over Iraq and the terrorist bombings in Madrid and London. Before London, he was based in Jerusalem as the Globe’s Middle East bureau chief. For more than 15 years, he has reported in the Middle East, focusing his work on the rise of religious extremism in that region. Prior to joining the Globe, Sennott worked as a reporter and deputy city editor at the New York Daily News. He is the author of two books: “The Body and the Blood: The Middle East’s vanishing Christians and the possibility for peace,” and “Broken Covenant: The rise and fall of Covenant House’s Rev. Bruce Ritter.” His work has won a number of awards including the Society of Professional Journalists’ 1989 public-service prize, the Livingston Award for National Reporting and the Foreign Press Association of London’s 2004 story of the year award.
Professor Craig Murphy
Craig N. Murphy is M. Margaret Ball Professor of International Relations at Wellesley College where he teaches courses in Comparative Politics, International Relations, North/South Relations, and Peace Studies. He also works for the UN Development Program as its historian. Professor Murphy’s research focuses on international institutions and the political economy of inequality across lines of gender, class, ethnicity, race, and geography. His recent publication, The UN Development Program: A Better Way? (Cambridge University Press, 2006), a critical history of the UN’s efforts in the developing world, drew on hundreds of interviews and archival work in more than thirty countries. Another major study, International Organization and Industrial Change: Global Governance since 1850 (Polity Press and Oxford University Press, 1994), explores the impact of global-level international agencies on the world economy. Other recent books include Global Institutions, Marginalization, and Development (Routledge, 2004) and edited volumes Egalitarian Politics in an Age of Globalization (Palgrave, 2002) and International Relations and the New Inequality (with Mustapha Kamal Pasha, Blackwell, 2002).
• The Global Governance Reader edited by Rorden Wilkenson
• A Better Globalization: Legitimacy, Governance, and Reform by Kemal Dervis with Ceren Özer, pp. 1-72
• The Politics of Global Governance: International Organizations in an Interdependent World edited by Paul Diehl, pp 3-105
• International Organizations: The Politics and Processes of Global Governance edited by Margaret P. Karns and Karen Mingst, pp. 3-60
September 21, 2006
Professor Daniel Drezner
Daniel W. Drezner is associate professor of international politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, and for the 2005-6 academic year a non-resident Transatlantic Fellow for the German Marshall Fund of the United States. He has previously held positions at the University of Chicago and the University of Colorado at Boulder. He received his B.A. from Williams College and his Ph.D. in political science from Stanford University. He is the author of All Politics is Global: Explaining International Regulatory Regimes (Princeton University Press, forthcoming), U.S. Trade Policy: Free Versus Fair (Council on Foreign Relations, forthcoming), and The Sanctions Paradox (Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Drezner Manuscript: All Politics is Global: Explaining International Regulatory Regimes
September 28, 2006
Professor James Rosenau
James Rosenau is a University Professor of International Relations at Elliot School of International Affairs at The George Washington University. He is a former President of the International Studies Association. His scholarship and teaching focus on the dynamics of world politics and the overlap between domestic and foreign affairs. He has published over 40 books and 200 articles including The Study of World Politics (two volumes, 2006); Globalization, Security, and the Nation State: Paradigms in Transition (edited with Ersel Aydinli, 2005); Distant Proximities: Dynamics Beyond Globalization (2003); and Turbulence in World Politics: A Theory of Change and Continuity (1990).
• World Politics vol. II Chapters 8,9,11,16,17 by James Rosenau
October 5, 2006
Alberto Mora
Alberto Mora recently retired as the General Counsel for the U.S. Navy, the most senior civilian lawyer for the Navy and a rank equal to that of a four-star general. Mr. Mora was recognized with the 2006 JFK Profile in Courage Award for the moral and political courage he demonstrated in his effort to end U.S. military policy regarding the treatment of detainees held by the United States as part of the War on Terror.
Michael Posner
Michael Posner, President of Human Rights First, has been at the forefront of the international human rights movement for nearly 30 years. As its Executive Director he helped the organization earn a reputation for leadership in the areas of refugee protection, advancing a rights-based approach to national security, challenging crimes against humanity, and combating discrimination. Since its founding in 1978, Human Rights First has supported and partnered with frontline rights activists around the world -- in places like Guatemala, Russia, Northern Ireland, Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Indonesia.
Pamela Merchant
Pamela Merchant is the Executive Director of The Center for Justice & Accountability, which works to deter torture and other severe human rights abuses around the world by helping survivors hold their persecutors accountable.
Sabin Willett
Sabin Willett is a Partner in the firm Bingham McCitchen LLP and concentrates his practice in commercial litigation and bankruptcy litigation. He is experienced in complex commercial disputes and the representation of lenders and other institutional creditors in lender liability cases and complex Chapter 11 disputes, as well as general commercial litigation. Mr. Willett represents prisoners in Guantanamo Bay on a pro bono basis.
The Torture Debate -- abstracts
October 10, 2006
• The Parliament of Man, all
• The United Nations, Peace and Security, pp 134-159
• Rules for the World, pp. 73-156
• The Politics of Global Governance, pp. 127-164, 381-397,445-482
October 12, 2006
Professor Bruce Hitchner
Professor Bruce Hitchner is a Professor of Roman history, archaeology and international relations, the Chair of the Department of Classics and Director of the Archaeology Program at the Tufts University. He is also the Chairman of the Dayton Project and Director of the Boston branch of the Public International Law and Policy Group. Since 1997, Dr. Hitchner has organized international conferences, workshops, business-to-business projects, and roundtables on Dayton Agreement implementation, the Hague Tribunal, Serbia and Montenegro, Kosovo, US-Balkan policy, and NATO involvement in the region. He is the coauthor with Marshall Harris and Paul Williams of Making Justice Work (Century Foundation) and has published op-eds in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, the Dayton Daily News, The Baltimore Sun, the Providence Journal, and War and Peace Reporting. Dr. Hitchner was a Laurance S. Rockefeller Fellow at the Center for Human Values at Princeton University. He also served as director of the Center for International Programs at the University of Dayton from 1996 to 2001. He is currently professor and chair of the Classics Department at Tufts University, Medford, MA.
Steve Horn
Steve Horn became a professional photographer in the mid-1980s, specializing in documentary work. His photographs are in the collections of Amherst College, Yale University, the Seattle Arts Commission, and the Natural History Museum of Travnik, Bosnia. Steve’s art images have been displayed in exhibits and galleries in the U.S. and Japan. His first book, Pictures Without Borders: Bosnia Revisited, was released in November, 2005. The book is compares photographs that Steve took in Bosnia in 1970 to the photographs he took when he returned to Bosnia in 2003. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer called it “a remarkable testament to the power of photography to reach across time and across national boundaries.” More information about this project is at www.pictureswithoutborders.com.
• The Purpose of Intervention: Changing Beliefs about the Use of Force, by Martha Finnermore
• The United Nations, Peace and Security, by Ramesh Thakur, pp. 203-221
• “Yugoslavia I: Into the Danger Zone” and “Yugoslavia II: Murderous Cleansing” from The Dark Side of Democracy, Michael Mann
• “Ending the War in Bosnia” and “Leading Negotiations” from Breakthrough International Negotiation, Michael Watkins and Susan Rosegrant
October 17, 2006
• Governing Environmental Flows, abstract chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, and 12
• Global Environmental Governance
October 19 , 2006
Ina Breuer
Ms. Ina Breuer is Executive Director of the Project on Justice in Times of Transition. She joined the Project’s staff in October 1999 after working at the New School for Social Research as the Assistant Director of the Transregional Center for Democratic Studies. At the Project Ms. Breuer has been responsible for management of its UN, Kosovo and Sri Lanka programming. She is also an advisor to the Council for Public Policy in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where she has just spent the past six months. The majority of her professional work has focused on assisting the growth of higher education and democratic political culture in the former communist bloc. Ms. Breuer has a BA from Northwestern University, studied at the Freie Universität Berlin and has a Masters in Political Science from the New School for Social Research in New York City. Her studies focused on the causes of ethnic conflict in India and South Asia, where she was born and raised, as well as on Central America and Eastern Europe.
• Global Civil Society, Mary Kaldor
• The New Transnational Activism, Sidney Tarrow, Part One: Structure, Process, and Actors [pp 15-56]
• Turbulent Peace: The Challenges of Managing International Conflict, chapters 23, 37, 38, and 41
October 24, 2006
• Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela, parts 3-7
• Memoirs by Ahmed Kathrada, chapters 6-13
• Mandela by Anthony Sampson, excerpt on The Rivonia Trial
• Loosing the Bonds, by Robert Massie, chapter 15
October 31, 2006
Sanjoy Hazarika
Sanjoy Hazarika is one of India’s most distinguished polymaths. He is the former award-winning correspondent for The New York Times, a member of India’s National Security Advisory Board, the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) Review Committee, and the National Council of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). He is the Managing Trustee for the Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research (C-NES), the Consulting Editor for The Statesman, and a visiting Professor at the Centre for Policy Research. He has written extensively on the North-east and made documentary films about the region and the neighborhood where he travels, including Tibet, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal. He is acknowledged as a specialist on migration and his books include Bhopal: The Lesson of a Tragedy (1988); Strangers of the Mist: Tales of War and Peace from India’s North East (1994), and Rites of Passage: Border Crossings, Imagined Homelands, India’s East and Bangladesh (2000).
November 3, 2006
Paul Davis
Paul Davis is an entrepreneurial executive and investor who organizes teams that turn technology, capital, industry knowledge, and hard work into successful companies. Paul is a co-founder of Intelligent Integration Systems, Inc. whose founders are designing and building revolutionary data centers and data warehousing systems for biomedical research and the Democratic National Committee. He is also a General Partner at Seed Partners, LLC, an early-stage private investment company, where he has served as a director of Seed portfolio companies including Zipcar, Celerity Research, and Predictive Networks, which he co-founded. From 2001 to 2004, Paul served as founding CEO and later Executive Chairman, of GeneXP Biosciences (now MetriGenix), also a Seed portfolio company. Paul was Executive VP of Vanguard Automation, the leading provider of BGA interconnect systems for the semiconductor industry, and the senior company official reporting to a board led by General Electric Capital at the time of a $46 million sale to Robotic Vision Systems, Inc. His tenure as a Congressional aide (District Director to U.S. Congressman Joe Kennedy) led to involvement in El Salvador where he assisted the Democratic Convergence led by Ruben Zamora in 1990-91 preparations for the United Nations peace initiatives that fostered a stable, democratic solution to an historic stalemate. He served as a senior aide to former United States Sen. Paul Tsongas in his run for President in 1991-92. He is a graduate of Tufts University and Suffolk University Law School.
November 14, 2006
Shepard Forman
Shepard Forman is Director of the Center on International Cooperation at New York University. Prior to founding the Center, he directed the Human Rights and Governance and International Affairs programs at the Ford Foundation, where he also was responsible for developing and implementing the Foundation’s grant making activities in Eastern Europe, including a field office in Moscow. Shep received his Ph.D. in anthropology at Columbia University and did post-doctoral studies in economic development at the Institute of Development Studies in Sussex, England. He served on the faculty at Indiana University, the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan; conducted field research in Brazil and East Timor; and authored two books on Brazil and numerous articles, including papers on humanitarian assistance and post-conflict reconstruction assistance. He is co-editor, with Stewart Patrick, of Good Intentions: Pledges of Aid to Countries Emerging from Conflict, and Multilateralism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Ambivalent Engagement; and with Romita Ghosh, of Promoting Reproductive Health: Investing in Health for Development. He has also edited, Diagnosing America: Anthropology and Public Policy, which examines the application of anthropological studies to social problems in the United States.
• Lawless World by Philippe Sands
• “New Dimensions of Multilateralism: Corporate Power and Democratic Responsiveness” by Derk Segaar
• “New Dimensions of Multilateralism: The Case of International Criminal Justice” by Cesare P.R. Romano
• “The Costs of Multilateral Action: A Note on Research in Process” by Shepard Forman et al.
• “New Coalitions for Global Governance: The Changing Dynamics of Multilateralism” by Shepard Forman and Derk Segaar
• “Humanitarian Intervention: Evolution of a Dangerous Doctrine” by Walden Bello
• “Disasters: Why the World Waits” by Emma Batha
• “New Dimensions of Multilateralism: The Evolving Role of NGOs in Global Governance” by Derk Segaar
• The UN and Regional Organisations
• New Dimensions of Multilateralism Project Overview
November 16, 2006
Dr. Jim Walsh
Jim Walsh is a Research Associate at MIT’s Security Studies Program. Dr. Walsh’s research and writings focus on international security, and in particular, topics involving weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, the Middle East, and East Asia. Among his current projects are two series of dialogues on nuclear issues, one with representatives from North Korea and another with leading figures in Iran. Dr. Walsh served as editor for the book series, Terrorism: Documents of International & Local Control and his writings have appeared in several scholarly journals including Political Science Quarterly, The Nonproliferation Review, International Studies Review, and Contemporary Security Policy. He is currently working on a book about Iran. Dr. Walsh has testified before the United States Senate on the issue of nuclear terrorism and chaired the International Working Group on Radiological Weapons at Harvard University. He acts as terrorism consultant for the NBC affiliate in Boston (WHDH, Ch 7) and regularly appears on CNN and NPR. His film credits include Testament (Paramount Pictures, 2004), Meltdown (FX channel, 2004), and Fortress Australia (Australia Broadcast Corporation, 2002). Before coming to MIT, Dr. Walsh was Executive Director of the Managing the Atom Project at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He was also a visiting scholar at the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of the country’s three nuclear weapons labs. Previously, he was named a Jennings Randolph Peace Scholar by the United States Institute for Peace and won the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship from the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. Dr. Walsh received his Ph.D from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
• “The End of the Nonproliferation Regime?” by George Perkovich, Current History November 2006
• “The Lessons of North Korea’s Test” by Leon V. Sigal, Current History November 2006
• “Bringing Iran to the Bargaining Table” by Kenneth M. Pollack, Current History November 2006
• “The US-India Nuclear Pact: Bad for Security” by Gary Milhollin, Current History November 2006
• “The US-India Nuclear Pact: A Good Deal” by Dinshaw Mistry and Sumit Ganguly, Current History November 2006
• “What If a Nuclear-Armed State Collapses?” by Michael O’Hanlon, Current History November 2006
• “The New Threats: Nuclear Amnesia, Nuclear Legitimacy” by Jack Mendelsohn, Current History November 2006
• “The Limits and Liabilities of Missile Defense” by Philip E. Coyle, Current History November 2006
• “Deterrence or Preemption?” by Jeffrey W. Knopf, Current History November 2006
• “Trip Report: DPRK, PRC, ROK” by Jim Walsh
• “Iran and the Nuclear Issue: Negotiated Settlement or Escalation?” by Jim Walsh
• “Lessons from Success: The NPT and the Future of Non-Proliferation” by Jim Walsh
• “Seven Myths of Nuclear Terrorism” by Matthew Bunn and Anthony Weir, Current History, April 2005
• “Uranium Enrichment: Just Plain Facts To Fuel an Informed Debate on Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Power” by Arjun Malhijani et al.
Inquiry Reader: After Proliferation: What To Do If More States Go Nuclear by Stephen Peter Rosen, pp. 310-313
November 21, 2006
The Untied States of America by Juan Enriquez
November 28, 2006
Professor Ian Johnstone
Ian Johnstone is an Associate Professor of International Law at The Fletcher School. He is the editor of a Special Issue of the International Peacekeeping Journal, scheduled for publication in 2007 and volume editor and lead scholar of the Annual Review of Global Peace Operations (2005-2007). Previously, he worked for seven years at the United Nations; including five years as an aide in the Office of the Secretary-General, one year in the Department of Peace-keeping Operations, and one year in the Office of Legal Affairs. Professor Johnstone is a senior research associate at the International Peace Academy and a Warren Weaver Fellow in International Security at the Rockefeller Foundation. He received his J.D. at Columbia University and served as a judicial clerk at the Ontario Court of Appeal.
• Overthrow by Stephen Kinzer
• Annual Review of Global Peace Operations 2006 from the bookstore and read up to p. 129
• Inquiry Reader: The Next War of the World by Niall Ferguson, pp. 163-69
• Inquiry Reader: History and the Hyperpower by Eliot A. Cohen, pp. 170-76
November 30, 2006
Matan Chorev
Matan Chorev, a former EPIIC student and current EPIIC teaching assistant, is a MALD candidate at The Fletcher School, with a concentration in International Security Studies and Southwest Asia and Islamic Civilizations. He received his bachelor degrees from Tufts University (BA, Political Science) and the New England Conservatory (BM, Cello Performance). Matan has published book chapters, articles, and op-eds in topics ranging from positive youth development, to terror financing, U.S. foreign policy, and peace operations. His most recent publication is a chapter in Private Military Companies: Ethics, Theory and Practice. Matan is a founding member of the New Initiative for Middle East Peace (NIMEP), a diverse student think-tank and outreach initiative of Tufts’ Institute for Global Leadership. Matan worked as a Research Associate at the International Peace Operations Association (IPOA) in the summer of 2005. He spent the summer of 2006 as the Rosenthal Fellow in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy Planning, where he took part in work on deterring terrorist network, ungoverned areas, and participated in an effort to sort out competing prioritization lists related to the global war on terrorism.
• “Mercenaries: Think Again,” by Deborah Avant, Foreign Policy 143, (July/August 2004)
• The Market for Force: The Consequences of Privatizing Security by Deborah Avant, selected chapters
• “Global Ungovernance: Mercenaries, States and the Control over Violence,” by Anna Leander, Copenhagen Peace Research Institute
• “Corporate Warriors: The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry and its Ramifications for International Security,” by Peter Singer, International Security Vol. 26, No. 3 (Winter 2001/2002)
• “Humanitarian Action and Private Security Companies” by Tony Vaux, Chris Seiple, Greg Nakano, and Koenrad Van Brabant, (London: International Alert, March 2002)
December 5, 2006
Andrew Savitz
Andrew Savitz is a creative business leader, advisor, author and speaker, with over 20 years of hands-on experience assisting corporation to become leaders in sustainability and environmental performance and reporting. An internationally known expert on corporate social responsibility and sustainability, Mr. Savitz is the author of The Triple Bottom Line: How the Best Run Companies are Achieving Economic, Social and Environmental Success - and How You Can Too (Wiley, August 2006). As a lead partner in PricewaterhouseCooper’s global Sustainability Business Services practice, Savitz was PwC’s liaison delegate to the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and represented the firm on environmental and sustainability related matters at the Conference Board. Andy authored PwC’s widely cited 2002 Sustainability Survey - the first of its kind in the United States. Now working as a senior consultant at Sustainable Business Strategies, Andy assists companies to assess, design, develop and implement sustainability programs from vision to reporting, including policies, procedures and programs related to human rights, supply chain management, HIV/AIDS, political contributions, environmental, health and safety management and compliance, community and investor relations, codes of conduct, and international and national standards and guidelines including the United Nations Global Compact, the Global Reporting Initiative, the CERES principles, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, and the McBride principles. He is an expert in stakeholder analysis, mapping and engagement as well as an advisor on socially responsible capital expenditures and investment.
• The World’s Banker by Sebastian Mallaby
• Savitz’s manuscript - The Triple Bottom Line
December 7, 2006
Professor Antonia Chayes
Professor Chayes is a visiting professor of international politics and law at The Fletcher School at Tufts University. She is senior advisor and vice chair of Conflict Management Group; a founding member of ENDISPUTE; and chair of the Project on Compliance and International Conflict Management at the Program on Negotiation. She is also an adjunct lecturer at The J.F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Professor Chayes is a former member of the Board of Directors of United Technologies Corporation (1981-2002). She was Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Installations and Under Secretary of the U.S. Air Force from 1977 to 1981, and she has served on several federal commissions, including the Vice President’s White House Aviation Safety and Security Commission and the Commission on Roles and Missions of the United States Armed Forces. She is the coauthor of Planning for Intervention: International Cooperation in Conflict Management and The New Sovereignty: Compliance with International Regulating Agreements and the coeditor of Imagine Coexistence: Restoring Humanity After Violent Ethnic Conflict and Preventing Conflict in the Post-Communist World: Mobilizing International and Regional Organizations.
• Making States Work: State Failure and the Crisis of Governance by Simon Chesterman et al (eds.), chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and the intro
• For those interested in working with PJTT, chapters 5 and 11 are recommended
Colloquium Members

Raoul Alwani
Raoul Alwani is a freshman from Singapore. Having always been interested in politics and international affairs, he helped start a debate team in his final year of secondary school (Age 16), and was Captain in his Junior College team (Age 17 - 18). After completing his mandatory military service in the Singapore army, Raoul taught in his old secondary school for a few months, then worked for a newspaper for a short time before coming to Tufts. He speaks English, Mandarin and French, and is currently taking Japanese classes in University. When he's not digging through mountains of readings for EPIIC, he likes going sky-diving and practicing his magic tricks. His hobby since he was 7, Raoul was actively involved in fund-raising for charities back in Singapore by performing magic for them. He hopes to spend some time in China in the near future, and plans to major in Economics.

Dhriti Bhatta
Dhriti Bhatta, is a sophomore from Nepal. She aims to concentrate in South Asia and wants to become a political analyst for the region. Dhriti took a year off after high school and worked as a journalist in the first weekly English news magazine in Nepal - Nation Weekly. Along with writing she is also interested in photojournalism, documentary making, arts and traveling. She is eagerly waiting to study abroad in Ghana in 2007. Being a Quantitative Economics and Political Science double major at Tufts, she plans to conduct researches on Political Theory and Political Economy in the years to come.

Alexandra Blackman
Alexandra Blackman, a native of Pittsburgh, PA, is a freshman at Tufts and is entirely undecided about what she wants to major in. She is currently taking classes on Community Health, Creative Writing, Arabic, and, to rejuvenate after everything, Yoga. After graduating from Schenley High School in June 2005, Alex deferred admission to Tufts in order to spend twelve months in Germany. In Germany, she went to school for a few months and spent the remaining time working for a political foundation, a children's theater, and toiling on a farm, respectively. As an avid traveler, Alex took advantage of the travel opportunities that the year offered and is excited to explore the many other opportunities the world holds in the months and years to come. No matter where life takes her, she believes her passion for social change will never die. In her free time, Alex likes to dance, read, wander, and play charades.

Ashley Calhoun
Ashley Calhoun is a freshman and is enjoying her first year of college. She enjoys ballroom dancing and fighting for women's reproductive rights. She is also very interested in the arms trade whether it's nuclear arms or small arms. Ashley is also an experienced sound technician, part-time electrician, and a stage-manager. She has worked for an electrician and a criminal Lawyer in her hometown of Detroit, MI.

Sade Campbell
Sade Campbell was born in Newport News, Virginia. Over the span of her lifetime she has lived in Tennessee, Nevada and finally settled in sunny San Diego, California. Since she was a young child, she has been interested in issues pertaining to travel and culture. This led to her passion in understanding and working with issues of global governance and human rights. Due to her many travels and work experiences in many countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America, she has tried to expand her view and understanding of the world. During her junior year, Sade decided to study in Spain, where she worked for an NGO for refugee aid in Madrid. In the summer of 2006, she also worked with the government in Rosario, Argentina as a community development intern for women and children in poverty. As a Political Science major, she constantly tries to analyze what is happening in the world and how she can dedicate her life to securing a better future for people who have a daily fight against AIDS, poverty and the security of human rights. Other than her intellectual life, Sade enjoys running and anything that involves exercise and healthy living. She hopes to end her last year at Tufts with a great experience in EPIIC, which will help catapult her into the real world and allow her to be a Global Citizen.

Monica Clavijo
Monica M Clavijo is a senior at Tufts University majoring in International Relations. Monica was born in Bogotá, Colombia but grew up in New York City. Her interests include international security studies and foreign policy analysis. Because of her bi-cultural upbringing, Monica is fascinated with learning about different cultures. She spent her junior year abroad in Paris and Madrid and tried to squeeze in as much travelling as she could. At Tufts, she is an active member of the Association of Latin American Students (ALAS) and has taken on the challenge to unite the Latino communities in the greater Boston area with the development of the Boston Intercollegiate Latin American Network (BILAN). She is also a piano student and plans on running her first marathon this year.

Katherine Conway-Gaffney
Katherine Conway is a senior majoring in International Relationship, who is participating in EPIIC for the second time. Katherine studied abroad in Kenya during her junior year, as well as during various breaks in Nicaragua and Honduras. She helped create and currently runs the BUILD Nicaragua program of the IGL as well as participates in the new Africa Initiative. She has done research on water sanitation in Honduras and Nicaragua and on female circumcision and HIV/AIDS in Kenya. She helps organization a student run group that works to aid homeless members on the Somerville/Medford community, known as National Student Partnerships. She plans to spend winter break researching the Uganda Peace Talks on site in East Africa. She loves running, traveling, languages, and long talks with friends over tea!

Gena Pilar Davis
Gena Davis (pronounced Jenna) came to Tufts from Santa Barbara, California. Now a senior International Relations major with a concentration in Latin America, the focus of most of Gena's undergraduate work has been international immigration. As a junior, she traveled to Chile where she was greatly impacted by her study of the Pinochet dictatorship and its modern repercussions. There, she also completed an independent study project on border and immigration disputes between Chile and Bolivia. At Tufts, Gena was named a Summer Scholar and began work on a study of immigrant access to health services in Somerville, Massachusetts. She will continue this research throughout her senior year, in addition to EPIIC. Gena is excited about both intellectual opportunities.

Elizabeth DeWan
Lizzie DeWan, originally from Brooklyn, NY, is loving her sophomore year as a double major in International Relations and Sociology. She hopes her passion for and study of sociology will provide her with a unique lens through which to view the world, while a major in IR will guide her to a future in any one of her numerous interests between which she feels constantly torn. More than anything, she loves working with children; her ultimate dream career would be designing and promoting early education systems in countries that lack universal early education. At Tufts she volunteers with Jumpstart Readers and is part of the UN Millennium Development Goals Awareness Campaign. She also hopes to be active in NIMEP and a water access campaign with the support of Corporate Accountability International, where she interned last fall. She has virtually no travel experience and so is enthralled by any prospect of travel, for research or pleasure. As a freshman she had a great experience participating in Soliya web-cam dialogues and training to be a facilitator; due to this, she is applying to work at the Seeds of Peace international camp this summer.

Michael Eddy
Michael Eddy is a junior at Tufts University majoring in International Relations and Economics. In the summer of 2006, he discovered his love for Africa after interning with a local NGO on a Liberian refugee camp. Michael also spent a summer interning at the Coalition for the International Criminal Court where he was able to get a taste of NGO-work and interact with the New York diplomatic community. His academic interests include transitional justice, refugees, economic policy and International Law. Outside the classroom, he is actively involved in community service, student government, represents students in the Tufts judicial system and is an admissions tour guide. Michael grew up in Niskayuna, a small town in upstate NY.

Hirut Fassil
Hirut Fassil is a senior and International Relations Major. She was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and grew up in both Alberta and Massachusetts. Hirut spent her junior year studying in Madrid, Spain. There, in light of the major influx of immigrants into the country and her own experience as an immigrant, she developed an interest in migration flows and intercultural societies. Last summer, Hirut was funded by the Henry R. Luce Student Research Program and the Institute for Global Leadership to intern at the Senegalese Association for Co development (ASCODE). Hirut's internship focused on a micro crediting project for women in the communities on the outskirts of Dakar and a project to facilitate the reinvestment of Senegalese emigrants into their country of origin. This year, she is eager to learn more about immigration policies, especially in the health context.

Meghan Fenzel
Meghan Fenzel is a senior born and raised in Ridgewood, NJ. An International Relations and French major, she spent her junior year abroad on the Tufts in Paris program. While in Paris, Meghan interned at Parc de la Villette, tutored three young French boys in English, relished the linguistic diversity of Europe, and enjoyed large amounts of cheese. On the hill, Meghan co-founded Tufts sketch comedy troupe "Major:Undecided." She is also Treasurer of the Tufts Mountain Club, a Tufts Wilderness Orientation leader, and an intern for the Admissions Office.

Laura Fong
Laura Fong is a sophomore at Tufts majoring in Political Science and English, hoping to pursue a career in international law. She enjoys writing and won the Ginny Brereton First Year Writing Award for a critique on the perceptions of diversity. For two summers, she has worked for the Department of Defense's research and development lab at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey as a journalist, covering stories on the technological advancements of the Army's weapons and communications systems. As a DoD journalist, she has also worked with various military and civilian officials to inform the public about initiatives the Army is undertaking. Laura is interested in the efforts being made to reform the legal systems in developing countries like China and in the steps the International Criminal Tribunal is taking to ensure that all political bodies are held accountable for their actions. In her spare time, Laura plays classical piano. She has competed and performed for over fourteen years, taking the stage at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center for several of her performances.

Shoshana Grossman-Crist
Shoshana Grossman-Crist is a senior from Vermont, double-majoring in Community Health and American Studies. She spent the summer of 2006 interning at John Snow, Inc., a public health research, training and consulting company based in Boston. During the fall of 2005, Shoshana studied abroad in Kenya, where she conducted an independent study of a community based organization working to combat HIV/AIDS and poverty outside of Kisumu. Shoshana is a co-chair of Pangea, a student organization that promotes awareness and action on international issues, and has focused much of her work with that organization on educating and encouraging advocacy among local high school students on the armed conflict in northern Uganda. Her academic interests include refugees, immigrants, community organizing, education, international development and Spanish. In her spare time, Shoshana enjoys teaching English as a second language, dancing, reading, and seeing the world.

Glen Gullickson
Glen T. Gullickson, a Southern California native, is currently a senior at Tufts majoring in International Relations. If he plays his cards right, he may very well major in Spanish as well. Glen recently returned from Madrid, where he spent the last academic year. Glen's interests are many and varied, spanning music, literature, the visual arts, athletics, international politics and law, all of which he has pursued in one capacity or another. After graduating, he hopes to pursue a career that allows him to integrate one or more of these passions into his professional life, while providing the freedom to pursue the others on his own time.

Elizabeth Hammond
Elizabeth Hammond is a senior majoring in English and Clinical Psychology. She is currently completing an Honors Thesis about the way emotion affects recognition. In conjunction with this topic, she will explore the long-term psychological effects of trauma. To further investigate this subject, she is working with the Harvard Program in Refugee Trauma. She plans on joining the Peace Corps after graduation where she hopes to apply what she has learned through EPIIC in an effort to make humanitarian aid more culturally sensitive and psychologically supportive. In addition to EPIIC, Elizabeth is a member of the Tufts Women's Rugby team and the Writing Fellows program.

Rebecca Hayes
Becky Hayes is a senior majoring in Spanish with a minor in Latino Studies. Originally born in Boston, she went to high school in Ann Arbor, Michigan and her family now lives in Richmond, Virginia. At Tufts Becky is currently the manager of a student run coffee shop, and a choreographer/ executive board member for the Tufts Dance Collective. She took her fall 2005 semester off and lived in Costa Rica, teaching English. Becky loves being outside, running, making seven-layer-dip, and playing with her pet bunny Pancho.

Nancy Henry
Nancy Henry is a sophomore majoring in Anthropology and International Relations. An Air Force ROTC cadet, she is still exploring her future options and hopes to work in intelligence or as a Foreign Area Officer upon receiving her commission. Once she leaves the Air Force, Nancy hopes to do aid work in Africa or the Middle East. At Tufts, she serves on the executive boards of the Anthropology Collective and Model United Nations, and is on the editorial board for Hemispheres. Nancy's interests include the evolving role of the UN and the international system's interaction with individuals on the ground. A former IGL student employee, Nancy is very excited to be involved with the Institute as an EPIIC student.

Maya Karwande
Maya Karwande is a sophomore from Salt Lake City, Utah. At Tufts she is majoring in History and International Relations. Maya is extremely excited about this year's colloquium, especially in the context of International Law. The concept of law and enforcement has intrigued her ever since she started reading Perry Mason books in the 5th grade. Politics are very interesting to Maya and she serves the Tufts Democrats as their Communications Director. Last year she did an internship with the Massachusetts Victory 06 Campaign. Over the summer she studied Chinese at Peking University in Beijing. After returning briefly to Utah she traveled to Tanzania to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro with her dad. She loves traveling, reading, and teaching swim lessons.

Martin Kielmanowicz
Martín Kielmanowicz is currently a senior majoring in International Relations and Economics. He is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, though he had lived in the Boston area for several years before coming to Tufts. Martín recently returned from studying abroad in his native Buenos Aires, where he rediscovered his roots and Latin American heritage. While abroad, Martín wrote a regular column for the Tufts Daily on populism and economics in Latin America, a topic that fascinates him. Professionally, Martín hopes to find a job that will help him integrate his academic interests in Latin American politics and economics and is therefore considering careers in consulting or finance. In his free time, he enjoys reading non-fiction, rock climbing, and wine tasting.

Aliza Lailari
Aliza Lailari is a sophomore majoring in International Relations and Psychology. She applied to Tufts from the American International School in Israel where she lived with her family for four years. She has also lived in Greece, England, various locations within the United States, and now spends her school vacations with her family at their new home in Omaha, Nebraska. This summer she took courses on counter-terrorism and homeland security, and observed the recent conflict develop between Israel and Hezbollah. On campus, she is involved in the TCU Senate and is also a tour guide. In her free time, she enjoys playing soccer and eating foreign foods.

Zachary Landau
Zach Landau is a senior majoring in International Relations. He spent the fall of his junior year in Madrid with the Tufts-in-Spain program, and in the spring, he interned in the economic/political section of the U.S. Embassy in Santiago, Chile. On campus Zach is a member of Tufts' volunteer EMT squad, a tour guide, and a member of the Tufts Mountain Club. Academically he is primarily interested in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy, and he hopes to study the effects of U.S. drug policy in Bolivia this winter. In his free time Zach enjoys hiking, rock climbing, and searching for Boston's best ethnic food.

Mary Langan
Mary is a sophomore majoring in International Relations. On campus she is also a Tisch Scholar, Residential Assistant, Tour Guide and member of the marathon team. She cares deeply about Human Rights, African Development and Poverty Reduction. In addition she believes strongly in animal rights and environmental consciousness and conservation. Mary hopes to live and study in Africa and travel to Europe, South America and Asia. After graduation she hopes to continue her education and eventually devote herself to helping alleviate some of Sub-Saharan Africa's most pressing problems whether through NGO, UN, academic or political work.

Adam Levy
Adam Levy has decided to leave his mark on the world by double majoring in Peace and Justice Studies and International Relations. Originally from the high altitudes of Quito, Ecuador, Adam now looks for home cooked meals two hours from Tufts in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Outside of EPIIC, Adam is an active member of Pangea, a student organization promoting humanitarian action and global awareness, the Tufts Ultimate Frisbee Team, and the Tufts Klezmer Ensemble. This past summer he interned with a small immigration rights nonprofit in Tucson, Arizona promoting human rights and fighting the militarization of our southern border through humanitarian aid, abuse documentation, and community organizing. Additionally, Adam is also passionate about cooking, Curious George, spontaneity, and backpacking.

Alexandra Liveris
Alexandra Liveris is a senior at Tufts who is studying for a major in International Relations and a minor in History. She is an Australian citizen who born in Hong Kong and has also lived in Thailand and Michigan. Alexandra's international background has led her to pursue a variety of multicultural and international activities and internships. Alexandra is a board member on the Institute for Civic Leadership, a non profit organization based in New York City that trains students from the United States and around the world to become active citizens and leaders. At Tufts University Alexandra is the Co-Chair of the Director's Leadership Council for International Relations which is a group that is responsible for reforming the IR major's curriculum and other IR activities. Alexandra accompanied NIMEP to Turkey in January 2006 to film and start the production of a documentary on Turkish ethnic tensions. Despite her many enjoyable work experiences and three great years at Tufts she has no idea what she would like to do upon graduation. She is hoping EPIIC will help her decide.

Matthew Malinowski
Matt Malinowski, a senior hailing from Philadelphia, joins EPIIC in order to become a better thinker and to learn more about the world. Matt enjoys reading, practicing foreign languages, working as a volunteer English teacher, and sports, but these hobbies pale in comparison to his passion for traveling. Matt swapped Dr. Seuss for the Lonely Planet and coloring book for a passport at a young age, and he has never looked back. After visiting a myriad of countries from China to Canada, Matt arrived Chile in July, 2005 to spend his junior year abroad. But, he still has much love for countries which begin with other letters of the alphabet; he hopes to study the local social structures of some of Brazil’s favelas this winter.

Anaheta Metghalchi
Anaheta Metghalchi is a senior majoring in International Relations and minoring in Italian. Anaheta is an Iranian- American focusing on Global Conflict, Cooperation, and Justice within her International Relations major. She spent the spring semester of her junior year studying political science in Padova, Italy where she received a research scholarship on Italian federalism. Anaheta's love for studying abroad has also taken her to institutes in both Bahamas and France. She interned as a political risk analyst at Abraxas Corporation in Washington DC this past summer. Her duties included analyzing investment opportunities in North Africa and the Middle East and conducting research on cross-border M&A transactions. Anaheta hopes to return to the capital after her university studies and re-enter the political consulting arena.

John Speed Meyers
John Speed Meyers, known as Speed to the Tufts community, joins EPIIC to explore the current state of world affairs. From Louisville, Kentucky, he apologizes for not being as southern as people expect him to be. He intends to double major in International Relations and Peace and Justice Studies. John Speed spent part of his last summer volunteering on the John Yarmuth for Congress legislative campaign. Also this past summer he studied 'International Relations and Terrorism' through the Cambridge College Programme. (England, not Massachusetts) The idea of conditional sovereignty, the UN's role in Sudan, and the notion of state-building all interest Speed. The genocide in Sudan and the interminable Middle East conflict both outrage him; he intends to create change beyond just adding revenue to New York Times Company.

George Moore
George Moore is a freshman from the exciting city of Des Moines. While his major is currently undecided, he is considering a duel major in economics and political science or economics and computer science. He has a wide range of interests from economic and sustainable development, globalization, identity politics, and cognitive psychology. Before coming to Tufts, George participated in Lincoln Douglas debate, Model UN, and attended the nationals for the Know Your Constitution Program.

Philip Moss
Philip Moss is a senior majoring in History with a minor in Political Science. Hailing from San Antonio, Texas, Philip is particularly interested in US immigration policy and issues pertaining to the US-Mexico border. This year as a Summer Scholar, Philip researched naturalization records from the progressive era in preparation for his senior thesis on immigrant incorporation in Massachusetts. While at Tufts, Philip has been an active member of the New Initiative for Middle East Peace as well as an ESL teacher at a Salvadoran community organization in Somerville.

David Mou
David Mou is a freshman that is thinking of majoring in International Relations. He was born in Vail, Colorado and loves to mountain bike, and ski. He spent the past summer in China improving his Mandarin. He is learning German and plans to study abroad whenever he can. David is on the Tufts Sailing Team and is very interested in photography, perhaps getting involved in Exposure. He is currently a part of NIMEP and is interested in the growing importance of the Middle East and the rise of Asia in international affairs.

James Nadel
James Nadel is a proud, but non-native, Vermonter. He has worked for that state in various civic, community, and conservation capacities, and most recently helped pave the way for Vermont's next great Independent senator. Over the course of that job, it became evident that there are still places where policy truly begins with the people--places where they never forget the bad, nor the good, done to them by their officials. However, such places occur beyond small American towns. In a world where globalization has made countries rich while simultaneously allowing groups of individuals to wreak warlike havoc from afar, global governance cannot forget that local lesson of influencing individuals--of providing them with better opportunities within the system than without. James is a sophomore and enjoys frozen novelties, rowing, and dancing ballroom. But perhaps his greatest thrill comes from stirring up audiences with renditions of acclaimed film speeches. Keep your eyes open...

Brett Newman
Brett Newman is a sophomore who is officially undecided about his major; unofficially he's majoring in International Relations and Japanese. After a less than ideal experience studying Spanish in middle school, Brett decided to study Japanese at his high school. Moreover, he vowed to learn Chinese once he grew comfortable enough with the Japanese language. Five years and three trips to Japan later he's still learning Kanji at Tufts, but he started intensive Chinese here for half of the summer in 2006. Brett spent the second half of that summer putting himself on the opposite side of the language divide: he worked as a Tisch College Active Citizen Summer Scholar at the Summer Program for English Language Learners (SPELL) in Somerville. Brett also hopes to learn even more Japanese on a Junior year abroad in Japan. Apart from foreign languages, Brett is interested in both international (especially East Asian) and local politics. Consequently, he's worked in some political offices and on a few successful and many unsuccessful local grass roots organizing campaigns. As an undergraduate at Tufts though, Brett has found EPIIC to be an outlet for his international energies. He was turned on to the program after doing Inquiry three times in high school, so he's now ready for the full experience. When not at Tufts Brett lives in Brookline, MA, but he grew on Cape Cod in West Yarmouth, Massachusetts.

Shiri Raphaely
Shiri Raphaely is a sophomore from Mercer Island, Washington potentially majoring in International Relations and Environmental Science. Her interest in global leadership and service stems from extensive work with a non-profit in both Guatemala and Seattle, and she is extremely excited to grow and learn from her EPIIC experience.

Mackenzie Rawcliffe
MacKenzie Rawcliffe is a senior majoring in International Relations with a minor in Communications and Media Studies. She is from the Great State of Maine (Near Bangor for those in the know). She spent last fall in Oaxaca Mexico studying Grassroots Development and Social Change with SIT, and wrote a paper on the historical, cultural and economic aspects of the unique Oaxacan chocolate industry. She also worked for Cultural Survival last spring and hopes to continue learning about the struggles of indigenous peoples, now through the EPIIC lens of global governance. She is also very interested in figuring out ways to make international relations and cultural understanding accessible and interesting for younger students and the general public. On campus, besides EPIIC, MacKenzie is involved in Track and Field, Musicals, Costume Design and is a Resident Assistant in Lewis Hall.

David Rawson
A San Francisco native, David Rawson is majoring in International Relations at Tufts. His intellectual interests stretch from political philosophy to foreign policy to political economy. His French studies took him to Talloires, France the summer after freshman year, and he spent his junior spring semester in Hong Kong and a lived for a month in Beijing, where he studied Mandarin Chinese. In the business world, he has worked for commercial real estate and global investment banking firms. He enjoys playing golf and piano, and at Tufts he sings and performs in musical theater. He is also managing editor for international affairs at the Primary Source.

Jesse Sloman
Jesse Sloman is currently a sophomore majoring in Political Science. Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Jesse attended Hunter College High School before deferring matriculation for a year to teach English in China. At Tufts Jesse is a member of ALLIES, a student organization dedicated to bridging the civil-military gap and interfacing with U.S. military service academies. Jesse's academic interests include military history, security studies, and foreign policy. Outside the classroom, Jesse enjoys chopping down trees and moving big rocks as a member of the Adirondack Mountain Club's Professional Trail Crew.

Nathan Stopper
Nate Stopper is a senior majoring in International Relations from Albuquerque, New Mexico. Nate began to explore the world at 15 when he spent his junior year of high school in Copiapo, Chile through Youth For Understanding. During the summer of 2005, Nate interned with New Mexico Congressman Tom Udall in Washington, where he spent most of his time speaking with constituents, but also managed to attend a few briefing and hearings. Most recently, he returned to Chile in February to study at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile and backpacked through Peru and Argentina. He is currently attempting to learn Chinese and is both frightened and excited by the prospect of graduating.

Margaret Suda
Margaret Suda is currently a senior at Tufts University majoring in International Relations and minoring in Chinese. As an EPIIC 2006-2007 student, she is interested in the role of pandemics and global health on global governance. Over the summer, as a Luce Scholar in Science and Humanitarianism, and through the generous support of the Institute for Global Leadership, and the Tufts University International Relations department, she worked to set up a Tufts Medford Chapter of Physicians for Human Rights.

Alexandra Taylor
Alex Taylor is a sophomore at Tufts University. Originally she is from the California bay area where she attended The Head-Royce School. Alex is planning to double major in International Relations and Russian Language, which she started studying as a freshman at Tufts. She wants to travel abroad to Russia as a junior but hopes to avoid the St. Petersburg winter. Her many interests include the diverse fields of history, neurobiology, and peace and justice studies in addition to her proposed majors. She is excited by the prospect of studying global governance because she is particularly intrigued by issues of sustainable development, international intervention, nation building and how to reform current global institutions to make them more transparent and effective. Alex loves soccer and has played competitively for many years and most recently for the Tufts JV soccer team. She has also coached soccer for multiple years and is an avid fan of the international game.

Anamaria Vizcaino
Anamaria Vizcaino is a senior at Tufts University majoring in International Relations concentrating in Latin America. Her parents immigrated from Guatemala to New Hampshire where she was born and resided there until she was ten later moving to South Florida. She is currently taking EPIIC for the first time after spending a year studying abroad in Chile. She speaks Spanish and English. At Tufts, she is actively involved in soccer and breakdancing.

Deborah Weiner
Deb is a member of the class of 2007 majoring in International Relations and Spanish. She was born in Newton, MA and attended Newton South High School. She spent her junior year abroad in Oxford, UK at Pembroke College of Oxford University. There she studied 'PPE' - politics, philosophy, economics - while competing for Oxford's Varsity Gymnastics Team. This past summer she interned for the International Youth Leadership Institute to help create a program for inner-city New York high-school students to travel to Cairo, Egypt and meet with various NGOs and governmental organizations there while learning about contemporary life in Egypt and studying Arabic. Returning for her senior year at Tufts, Deb is still an active member of Chi Omega sorority, on the Personal and Career Development Committee, and is currently studying for the LSATs to perhaps pursue a career in international law. Her interests concerning this year's EPIIC topic include third state actors, religious and cultural nationalism, and consolidation of democracy. Outside of her studies, Deb loves to travel all over the world, visiting friends in every country, learn new languages, and dance.

Alexander Zerden
Alex Zerden is a senior majoring in International Relations and Middle Eastern Studies. Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Alex became interested in learning more about international relations as a member of the Savannah Council on World Affairs. While at Tufts, Alex has been involved with several on-campus organizations including the New Initiative for Middle East Peace (NIMEP) as well as the Writing Fellows Program. He also recently returned from the Middle East after spending nearly seven months studying, traveling, and working. Alex is interested in pursuing and gaining a greater understanding of the complexities involved with Global Governance as well as the interrelated issues of sovereignty and intervention in an ever changing geopolitical environment.