The international symposium is an annual public forum designed and enacted by the EPIIC students. It features scores of international practitioners, academics, public intellectuals, activists and journalists in panel discussions and workshops.
February 18-22, 2009
*All Panels will be in the Asean Auditorium in Cabot Hall
Wednesday, February 18
7:30pm | Global Cities/Global Slums: An Evening with Saskia Sassen (the talk will be preceded by a reception at 6:30pm in the Cabot Mezzanine)
Thursday, February 19
7:00pm | Financial Crisis: A New Era of Economic Leadership
Friday, February 20
12:00pm | City For All: Realizing Urban Democracy
2:30pm | Targeted Cities: Terror in the 21st Century
6:30pm | The Power of Place
7:45pm | Vulnerable Cities: Lessons from New Orleans
Saturday, February 21
10:00am | The Challenge of Urban Crime and Violence
2:00pm | Decline and Revitalization: Urban Renewal in the Post-Industrial Era
8:00pm | Governing the City: Leadership and Innovation
Sunday, February 22
1:00pm | Cities and Informal Settlements: Politics of a Shared Future
3:30pm | City Without Oil
- Julian Agyeman, Professor and Chair, Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University; Cofounder and Former Chair, Black Environment Network
- Junaid Ahmad, Sector Manager, Urban and Water Unit, World Bank, South Asia
- Bernard Amadei, Founding President, Engineers Without Borders-USA; Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado at Boulder
- Julian Baskin, Senior Urban Specialist, Cities Alliance
- Nora Bloch, Vice President for Community Development, Wainwright Bank and Trust Company
- Barry Bluestone, Professor of Political Economy, Director of the Center for Urban and Regional Policy, Dean of the School of Social Science, Urban Affairs, and Public Policy, Northeastern University
- Anthony Buba, Filmmaker, Voices from a Steel Town, Lightning over Braddock: A Rustbowl Fantasy
- David Cartegena, Streetworker, Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence
- Elyse Cherry, Chief Executive Officer, Boston Community Capital; President, Boston Community Venture Fund
- Aldo Civico, Director Center for International Conflict Resolution, Columbia University; Former Senior Adviser to Leoluca Orlando, Former Mayor of Palermo, Sicily, Italy
- David Dapice, Associate Professor of Economics, Tufts University; Economist, Vietnam Program, Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Kennedy School of Politics, Harvard University
- Harm de Blij, Distinguished Professor of Geography, Michigan State University; Author, The Power of Place
- Peter Droege, Director, Solar City, International Energy Agency; Chair, World Council for Renewable Energy, Asia Pacific; Author, The Renewable City: A Comprehensive Guide to an Urban Future and Urban Energy Transition: From Fossil Fuels to Renewable Power
- Sergio Fajardo, Former Mayor, Medellin, Colombia
- Joan Fitzgerald, Professor and Director, Law, Policy and Society Program, and Director, Urban Studies Minor, Northeastern University
- Deborah Frieden, Cultural Project Planning Consultant
- Robert Glassman, Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Wainwright Bank and Trust Company
- Teny Gross, Executive Director, Institute for the Study and Practice of Nonviolence
- James S. Henry, Former Chief Economist, McKinsey & Company; Co-Chair, Tax Justice Network US; Author, The Blood Bankers: Tales from the Global Underground Economy; INSPIRE Fellow, Institute for Global Leadership, Tufts University
- Ella Jones, Borough Administrator, Braddock, Pennsylvania
- Robert Kiley, Former Commissioner of Transport, London; Former Chairman and CEO, New York City Metropolitan Transportation Authority; Former CEO, Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority; Former President and CEO, Partnership for New York City
- Irvin Roy Kinnes, Founding Member, Western Cape Anti-Crime Forum; Author, From Street Gangs to Criminal Empires: The Changing Face of Gangs in the Western Cape
- William Moomaw, Professor of International Environmental Policy and Director of the Center for International Environment and Resource Policy, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University
- Janice Perlman, Founder and President, The Mega-Cities Project; Author, Marginality from Myth to Reality: Favelas of Rio de Janeiro, 1969-2005
- Gwyn Prins, Director, Mackinder Programme for the Study of Long Wave Events, London School of Economics; Former Consultant on Security, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, British Meteorological Office
- Wade Rathke, Founder and Chief Organizer, ACORN International and Service and Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 100
- Saskia Sassen, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Columbia University; Author, The Global City and Cities in a World Economy; Former Director, UNESCO five-year project on sustainable human settlement
- Elliot Sclar, Director of the Center for Sustainable Urban Development, Columbia Earth Institute; Former Co-Coordinator, Taskforce on Improving the Lives of Slum Dwellers, United Nations Millennium Project
- J. Phillip Thompson, Associate Professor of Urban Politics, MIT; Former Deputy General Manager, New York Housing Authority; Author, Double Trouble: Black Mayors, Black Communities and the Struggle for Deep Democracy
- Heather Tremain, Cofounder and CEO, reSource Rethinking Building; Loeb Fellow, Harvard School of Design; Visiting Fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
- Lawrence Vale, Professor of Urban Design and Planning, MIT; Coeditor, The Resilient City: How Modern Cities Recover from Disaster; Author, Architecture, Power and National Identity
- Patrick Webb, Dean for Academic Affairs and Associate Professor, Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
- Major John Williams USMC (ret.) Deputy Director, Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies, US Naval Academy; numerous operational deployments including Desert Shield and Desert Storm
- Yona Yahav, Mayor, Haifa, Israel