Iraq: Yesterday's War?A Conversation with Pulitzer Prize winning-journalist Thomas Ricks
Past Events
[Off-campus event]
[Off-campus, non-ALLIES sponsored]
Peter Singer, Senior Fellow and Director of the 21st Century Defense Initiative, Brookings Institution

This year, for the first time, the Intellectual Roundtable will be hosted by the Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership and the Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies at the United States Naval Academy, and will include a politico-military crisis scenario simulation exercise (SIMULEX), facilitated by the Center for Applied Strategic Learning at the National Defens

U.S. - China Relations
U.S.-China Economics and the Global Recession
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Environmental and Energy Policy in China
3:30pm - 5:00pm

The 2008 Intellectual Roundtable: Civilians and Soldiers: Increasing National Participation in Security and Defense, seeks to explore the increasing need to combine intellectual and technical competencies that have, until now, largely been relegated into separate civilian or military spheres.
2008 ALLIES Intellectual Roundtable Participants outside of Paige Hall; 10/31/2008
Host the Civil-Military Education Leadership Dialogue at the Tufts Priory in Talloires France. The objectives of the meeting are:
In June 2007, ALLIES conducted its inaugural Joint Research Project (JRP) in Amman, Jordan with four students from Tufts University and three cadets from West Point. Over the course of the spring semester and during a two-week trip to Jordan, the students and cadets researched Jordanian counterterrorism strategy.