Tufts Energy Forum


Past Research by TEF Members

Research papers are available on upon request by emailing TuftsESI@gmail.com

2008 World Energy Summit
Participants: Alex Wright, David Mou, Daniel Enking, Jesse Gossett, Jared Rodriguez, Jayson Uppal, Renee Birenbaum, and Jacob Mandel Location Abu Dhabi and Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Date: January 2008
Description: ESI members participated in the 2008 World Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, and investigated topics including the renewable energy transformation of the Arabian Gulf, the Masdar Iniative, the carbon footprint of the UAE, energy development in the US and the UAE, and the potential of oil producing nations to lead the energy revolution.

Dan Enking: A World of Shifting Sands
Jacob Mandel: Energy Development in the United States and the United Arab Emirates
Jared Rodriguez: You Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates: An Unsustainable Future
Alex Wright: Abu Dhabi Inc.

Study on the Current State of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme
Participants: Alex Clough, Bryan Russett, Daniel Enking
Location: Brussels and Amsterdam
Date: May 2007
Description: An assessment of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and its adaptability to a US market Essays

The Commercialization of Renewable Energy
Participants: Alex Clough, Bryan Russett, Daniel Enking
Location: Colorado
Date: January 2007
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Fueling Giants: Energy and Environmental Security in the 21st Century
Participants: Jake Berliner
Location: China
Date: Summer 2006
Description: An overview of China's recent surge in energy use and its impact on the global economy
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Energy Production in Southern California and its Impact on Local and National Policy Participants
Participants: Alex Wright, Jayson Uppal, Alex Clough, Bryan Russett, Allison Halpern
Location: Southern California
Date: Summer 2006
Description: In the summer of 2006, the ESI traveled to Southern California to conduct research on energy deregulation and green buildings.

Emerging Opportunities for Renewable Energy Development in California: Lessons from Europe
Participants: Nick Chaset, Jake Berliner, Alex Wright
Location: Europe
Date: Summer 2005
Description: In the summer of 2005, the first project of the ESI was conducted. Entitled "Developing the Solar Economy: Political, Financial, and Infrastructure Framework Creation for Renewable Energy Systems in California, Germany, and Eastern Europe" it was conducted by Jake Berliner, Alex Wright, Nick Chaset and with assistance from Michael Kastoryano.
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