Faculty Board

Julian Agyeman
Associate Professor and Chair of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts Professor Julian Agyeman's areas of expertise and current research interests are in three broad areas. Each critically explores some aspect of the complex relations between humans and the environment, whether mediated by institutions or social movement organizations (SMOs), and the effects of this on public policy and planning processes and outcomes, particularly in relation to notions of justice and equity. The areas are: the nexus between the concepts of environmental justice and sustainability and, specifically, the possibility of a 'just sustainability'; the extent, complexity and pervasiveness of 'rural racism' in Britain, its linkages to wider discourses of belonging, 'becoming', continuity and change in racialised spaces and ultimately to discourses of nationhood; the potential role of 'education' in its broadest sense in delivering more just and sustainable futures.

Astier Almedom
Inaugural IGL Fellow and Professor of Practice at the Fletcher School. Director of the International Resilience Program. Professor Almedom's academic background is thoroughly interdisciplinary starting with Human Sciences and progressing to anthropology as applied in behavioral sciences and professional public health policy and practice with particular reference to disaster mitigation and response.  Participatory approaches to investigation and analysis of environmental and humanitarian problems have led Professor Almedom to embrace complexity and non-linear dynamics in human, institutional and ecological systems where persistence (with routine change) and transformation (spurred by extreme stressors) define resilience in its multiple dimensions.   

Edith Balbach
Program Director, Department of Community Health, Tufts Edith Balbach is the program director at the Department of Community Health. Her academic training is in public policy, which leads her to a specific interest in how the policy process either facilitates or impedes the work of communities. Professor Balbach's primary research interest is in drug policy issues, especially tobacco.

Steve Cohen
Lecturer, Department of Education, Tufts Steve Cohen is a lecturer at the Department of Education and is in his sixth year at Tufts. Professor Cohen edited and wrote anthologies to accompany the public television documentaries Vietnam A Television History and Eyes On The Prize . Steve has been a Program Associate with Facing History and Ourselves for two decades and written articles about teaching controversial issues like Vietnam, the dropping of the Atomic Bomb, and the Holocaust.

David Dapice
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Tufts David Dapice is the associate professor at the Department of Economics. He received tenure in 1980 and has served as Chair of the Economic Department. His recent professional activities have centered on researching on and assisting with the economic reforms in Vietnam. He has a chapter in one recent 1993 book and several chapters in another, forthcoming, book on economic reform in Indochina. He is a member of the Fulbright selection committee for scholars from Vietnam; president of the Tufts chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, and serves on several faculty committees.

Robyn Gittleman
Director, Tufts Experimental College Robyn Gittleman is the Director of the Experimental College and the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education. She has been with the Experimental College since 1972. She did her undergraduate work at the University of Michigan and her graduate work at Tufts.

David Gute
Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering David Gute is an associate professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Hurst Hannum
Professor of International Law, The Fletcher School Hurst Hannum is a Professor of International Law at The Fletcher School. He received his A.B. from the University of California, Berkeley and his J.D. from the Boalt Hall School of Law, at the University of California, Berkeley. Professor Hannum has worked as the Executive Director of the Procedural Aspects of International Law Institute, Washington, DC (1980-89); has been a Jennings Randolph Peace Fellow at the US Institute of Peace, Washington, DC (1989-90); Legal consultant to the United Nations and other organizations on East Timor, Afghanistan, Faroe Islands, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, Aceh, Western Sahara, and the international protection of minority rights.

Shafiqul Islam
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts Shafiqul Islam is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Tufts University where he came in the Fall of 2004 as the First Bernard M. Gordon Senior Faculty Fellow in Engineering. He comes to Tufts from the University of Cincinnati, where he has been since completing his Sc.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1991. His research and teaching emphasize interdisciplinary approaches to address contemporary problems of water and environment by focusing on scarcity and abundance of water.

Laurent Jacque
Academic Dean and Walter B. Wriston Professor of International Finance and Banking, The Fletcher School Laurent L. Jacque is the Academic Dean and Walter B. Wriston Professor of International Finance and Banking at The Fletcher School. He received a diploma from Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commercials, an MA degree from University of Pennsylvania, and MBA and PhD degrees from Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania. He has held joint appointment as Professor of Finance and International Business, HEC School of Management (France) (1990-present); has taught at University of Tunis, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (1976-87); Carlson School, University of Minnesota (1987-93); has held visiting appointments at University of Hawaii (Pacific Management Institute), HEC, and Chulalongkorn University (Thailand); and is currently the Director of the International Business Relations Program at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

Andy Hess
Professor of Diplomacy, The Fletcher School Andrew C. Hess is a Professor of Diplomacy at The Fletcher School. He received his B.S. from the University of Michigan, an M.B.A. from Kent State University, an M.A. from University of Pittsburgh and A.M. and Ph.D. degrees in history and Middle Eastern studies from Harvard University. He has held the post of Director from The Program for Southwest Asia and Islamic Civilization, the Contemporary Turkish Studies Program, and the Kuwaiti, Qatari, and Armenian Foreign Service Training Programs, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy; has taught at The American University in Cairo and Temple University; and held executive positions, Arabian American Oil Company (Saudi Arabia).

Bruce Hitchner
Chair at Department of Classics Director of Archaeology Program Director of Dayton Peace Accords Project Bruce Hitchner is the chair at Department of Classics, director of Archaeology, and director of Dayton Peace Accords Project.

Ayesha Jalal
Professor, Department of History, Tufts Ayesha Jalal is Professor of History at Tufts University. Between 1998-2003 she was a MacArthur Fellow. She obtained her BA, majoring in History and Political Science, from Wellesley College, USA, and her doctorate in history from the University of Cambridge. Dr. Jalal has been Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge (1980-84), Leverhulme Fellow at the Center of South Asian Studies, Cambridge (1984-87), Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars in Washington, DC (1985-86)and Academy Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies (1988-90).

Paul Joseph
Professor of Sociology, Tufts Paul Joseph is a Professor of Sociology at Tufts University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley, his masters from the University of California at Berkeley and his B.A. from McGill University. His expertise is the sociology of war and peace.

David Kaplan
Professor & Chair - Department of Biomedical Engineering Professor - Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering Director - Bioengineering Center David Kaplan is the Professor and Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering and the Director of Bioengineering Center. He became an Elected Fellow at the American Institute for Medical & Biomedical Engineering in 2003; appointed Associate Editor of Biomacromolecules in 1999 and serves on the Editorial Board of Applied Environmental Microbiology, Biomolecular Materials and Advanced Materials. He received the Outstanding Faculty Award at Tufts University in 1998.

Erin Kelly
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Tufts Erin Kelly, associate professor department of philosophy, earned her undergraduate degree in philosophy from Stanford University; in further pursuit of philosophy, she then went to Columbia University for graduate study before moving to Harvard University, where she earned her PhD. Her research interests are in moral and political philosophy and the philosophy of law, with a focus on questions about justice, the nature of moral reasons, moral responsibility and desert, and theories of punishment.

John McDonald
Associate Professor of Music Currently Associate Professor of Music at Tufts University, McDonald was Music Department Chair from 2000 to 2003. His recent accomplishments have included Composer Residencies with the METYSO Youth Orchestra, the Southern Illinois University Music Department, and Duke University, commissions from American Composers Forum, the Harvard Musical Association, Brave New Works, the Fleet Boston Celebrity Series, the Rivers Music School, and First Prize in the Leo M. Traynor Composition Competition for music for viol consort. McDonald's recordings appear on the Albany, Archetype, Boston, Bridge, Neuma, New Ariel, and New World labels.

William Moomaw
Professor of International Environmental Policy, The Fletcher School William R. Moomaw is a Professor of International Environmental Policy at The Fletcher School. He received his B.A. from Williams College and his PhD in physical chemistry from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is currently the Senior Director of the Tufts Institute of the Environment; Co-Director, Global Development and Environment Institute; Co-Director, Public Disputes Program, Program on Negotiations; Convening Lead Author, and was the lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2003.

Malik Mufti
International Relations, Middle East, Associate Professor Professor Mufti, Ph.D. Harvard University, 1993, teaches courses on international relations as well as the politics of the Middle East. He is the author of Sovereign Creations: Pan-Arabism and Political Order in Syria and Iraq , 1996, as well as journal articles and book chapters on the domestic and foreign policies of Jordan, Egypt, Israel, and Turkey. His latest publications are: "A King's Art: Dynastic Ambition and State Interest in Hussein's Jordan" (forthcoming in Diplomacy and Statecraft), and "From Swamp to Backyard: The Middle East in Turkish Foreign Policy" (forthcoming).

Adil Najam
Associate Professor of International Negotiation and Diplomacy, The Fletcher School Adil Najam is an Associate Professor of International Negotiation and Diplomacy at The Fletcher School. He received his B.Sc. from University of Engineering and Technology in Lahore, Pakistan; his M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, M.S. in Technology and Policy, and Ph.D. in International Environmental Policy degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was the winner of the MIT Goodwin Medal for Effective Teaching (1997) and the International Political Science Association's Stien Rokan Award (1997). He has also been the director of the Board of Governors at Pakistan Institute for Environment-Development Action Research (PIEDAR) and has held posts in the International Advisory Board, Center for Global Studies, University of Victoria; International Advisory Board, Pakistan Center for Trade and Sustainable Development (PCTSD).

George Norman
William and Joyce Cummings Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business Economics Professor Norman received his Ph.D. in 1977 from King's College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England. He came to Tufts as a visiting scholar in September 1995 and joined the faculty as a tenured full professor in September 1996. Professor Norman was the Director of the graduate program in economics at Tufts from 1997-2000. In 1998 he was appointed as the first holder of the Cummings Family Chair in Entrepreneurship and Business Economics. Professor Norman received the 2002 Lerman-Neubauer Prize for Outstanding Teaching and Advising, awarded to one member of the faculty judged by graduating seniors as having had a profound effect on them intellectually.

Beatrice Rogers
Beatrice Rogers is a Professor and Dean of Academic Affairs at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy. She received her Ph.D. in Social Welfare Policy (Economics, Health Policy) at the Florence Heller School of Brandeis University. Her research interests include Food policy and economics.

Tony Smith
Cornelia M. Jackson Professor of Political Science Tony Smith is a Professor of Political Science at Tufts University. His books include The French Stake in Algeria, The Pattern of Imperialism , Thinking Like a Communist and America's Mission: The U.S. and the Global Struggle for Democracy in the 20th Century , and Foreign Attachments: The Power of Ethnic Groups in the Making of US Foreign Policy. He has held grants from the Lehrman Institute, the Rockefeller Foundation, the German Marshall Fund and the Woodrow Wilson Center. Dr. Smith, Ph.D., Harvard University, 1971, was the Whitney Shepardson Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations in 1998 and was a Fulbright Professor in Guatemala, Spring 2000.

Vickie Sullivan
Political Theory, Department Chair and Associate Professor, Ph.D., Professor Sullivan, University of Chicago, 1990, teaches and studies political thought and philosophy. In addition, she maintains teaching and research interests in a new subfield of political science, politics and literature. She is the author of Machiavelli, Hobbes, and the Formation of a Liberal Republicanism in England and Machiavelli's Three Romes: Religion, Human Liberty, and Politics Reformed.

Rabbi Jeffrey Summit
Director of the Hillel Foundation at Tufts Associate Chaplain Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Music Rabbi Jeffrey Summit is the Director of the Hillel Foundation at Tufts University, where he also serves as Associate Chaplain and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Music. He holds a B.A. from Brandeis University, an M.A.H.L. and Rabbinic ordination from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Rabbi Summit also holds an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Tufts University where he studied ethnomusicology in Tufts interdisciplinary doctoral program.

Jeffrey W. Taliaferro
International Relations, Security Studies; Assistant Professor Professor Taliaferro, Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1997, teaches courses on United States foreign policy, security studies, the rise and the fall of the great powers, as well as introduction to international relations. His research interests center on international relations theories, security studies, political psychology, and U.S. foreign policy. He is the author of Balancing Risks: Great Power Intervention in the Periphery .

Dawn Geronimo Terkla
Executive Director of Institutional Research Dawn Geronimo Terkla is the Executive Director of Institutional Research. She has a doctorate in higher education research from Harvard University and her research interests include college-choice decisions, financial aid issues, and assessment. She serves as the immediate past chair of the Executive Committee of the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative, is a member of several National Center for Education Statistics technical review panels, and is a past President of both the North East Association of Institutional Research NEAIR and the Association of Institutional Research AIR.

Peter Uvin
Henry J. Leir Professor of International Humanitarian Studies, Director of the Institute for Human Security, The Fletcher School Peter Uvin is the Henry J. Leir Professor of International Humanitarian Studies and the Director of the Institute for Human Security at The Fletcher School. He has received Licences in Diplomatic Science and in Political Science at University of Ghent and his Ph.D. in Political Science from the Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, University of Geneva.

David Walt
Robinson Professor of Chemistry, Tufts David Walt is the Adjunct Professor for the department of Biomedical Engineering, the Robinson professor of chemistry, and the founding scientist and director of Illumina, Inc. Dr. Walt received his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Michigan, his Ph.D. in biological chemistry from SUNY at Stony Brook and conducted postdoctoral research at MIT.

Peter Walker
Director of International Famine Center-Friedman Peter Walker is Director of the Feinstein International Famine Center at Tufts University. In 1990, he joined the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in Geneva where he was Director of Disaster Policy for ten years before moving to Bangkok as Head of the Federation's regional programs for South East Asia. He was the founder and manager of the World Disasters Report and played a key role in initiating and developing both the Code of Conduct for disasters workers and the Sphere humanitarian standards.

Peter Winn
Professor of History, Tufts Peter Winn received his B.A. from Columbia College in 1962 and his Ph.D. from Cambridge University in 1972. His major publications include Weavers of Revolution: The Yorur Workers and Chile's Road to Socialism and Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and the Caribbean . Dr. Winn is an academic consultant to the PBS series, Americas.

Maryanne Wolf
Director of the Center for Reading and Language Research Professor of Child Development Maryanne Wolf is the director of the Center for Reading and Language Research and a Professor of Child Development at Tufts University. She specializes in dyslexia, cognitive neurosciences, developmental psycholinguistics and Reading Development and Intervention. Her awards include the National Teaching Award for Four Year Universities from American Psychological Association; Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award from the Massachusetts Psychological Association; and the Distinguished Scholarship Award from Tufts University.